Sundays are the day

Six weeks in, eight to go to the end of the first semester. I've learned that Sundays are the critical day of the week, and that I can start the week organized or rested, but not both. I teach a class every other Saturday so on weeks like this when I've worked 6 days in a row, it's pretty tempting to take Sunday off. Really tempting. Almost irrisistable. But if I do it, the rest of the week goes to hell. Really. Here's how it goes: "I'll go to bed early and make lunches in the morning....
Morning comes and I'm rushing about, making breakfast and lunches, etc. so we're late for school and I don't have time to think about what's for dinner. As a result, when we get home, I have to figure that out, and by the time I do, and cook it, and help with homework, and put to bed, and do dishes and tidy up, I'm too frapped to make lunches, so I decide to go to bed early and make them in the morning....
Dishes pile up, laundry is clean but piles tip over, late most mornings because I'm busy making lunches, dog starts chewing everything in sight since she hasn't had a decent walk all week, all the scurrying and lateness exhausts me so I decide to go to bed and make lunches in the morning...
Where's Martha when I need her!?

I'm off to do dishes and make lunches... unless I decide to do it in the morning...


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