Glorious day...

Sunshiny, windy day. Great coffee with a friend. Sushi lunch and an hour and a half adventure with my daughter at Scout Island (including a deer hiding in the bushes about 6 feet from us). A visit with my folks (dad's nursing a broken collarbone and can use all the encouragement he can get) and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner.
Spent the evening sticking name tags onto every single crayon, pencil, felt marker, pencil crayon, etc. in Amelia's bag of tricks for school tomorrow. I don't remember having to cart such a huge supply bag and I think we just wrote our name on a box of crayons...
Amelia's been really great today, helping out, doing her 'chores' and mostly cooperating (for those of you who haven't met her, she's loving, loveable, and what most parenting experts would call 'challenging' - as in a minimum of 1000 hypothetical questions a day, and general interrogation when asked to do pretty much anything). Luckily she's also enthusiastic about new adventure (she loves sushi, as an example) and is very cuddly, loving, artistic, athletic, and generally fabulous while attempting to figure out how to be 16.
First day of school tomorrow...


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