I'm back

Okay, so it was way too ambitious to think I'd actually write every day, let alone take and post a photo. I'm way too busy living this life to write about it...
On the positive side, despite a frantic week last week, I got away for a long weekend with a long-time (but not old) friend who spoiled me all weekend. Too busy hashing out life to think about work or the finer details of managing at home. Took some decents shots and the muse returned with a bit of breathing room and some prodding from someone who actually makes art rather than just thinking about it.
On the flip side, hubby came down with pneumonia the day I left so he had to bash through the weekend being a parent on his own while fighting to stay verticle. He did survive (what a trooper) and is now nearly back to normal.
Life at work returned to its frenetic pace, preventing me from actually acting on my creative ponderings, but at least they haven't disappeared entirely. House is a complete disaster, which I'm attempting to ignore since I have to work tomorrow (www.imagineourfuture.ca) and leave again for work on Sunday. Thanksgiving weekend is looking pretty good for fall cleaning. ick.
But, I did take some pictures - is it cheating to post daily photos that I didn't shoot that day?


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