My heart wants...
I'm inspired by a friend and fellow blogger to share the following poem. I learned it at a labrynth retreat at Naramata summer as I was in the process of making some important decisions about my life. The workshop was incredibly powerful, thanks to an amazing facilitator and her attention to balancing the creation of space for us individually and the creation of connection within the group. We read this Elizabeth Carlson poem in a round (one line each around the circle) before walking the labrynth one day. It stills inspires and calms me.
What the Heart Wants
My heart wants
an open field, a lake
a path leading
into the woods
My heart wants
a book with no last page
a candle
burning simply in a dark room
My heart wants
your heart
beating where I can feel it
your warm bearlike embrace
smoothing the wrinkles underneath my skin
My heart wants
a window
facing the ocean
and an endless summer day
filled with imagination
My heart wants
to ride horseback
into country I have never seen
My heart wants never to have to
My greedy heart
wants only
and always,
what it wants...
What the Heart Wants
My heart wants
an open field, a lake
a path leading
into the woods
My heart wants
a book with no last page
a candle
burning simply in a dark room
My heart wants
your heart
beating where I can feel it
your warm bearlike embrace
smoothing the wrinkles underneath my skin
My heart wants
a window
facing the ocean
and an endless summer day
filled with imagination
My heart wants
to ride horseback
into country I have never seen
My heart wants never to have to
My greedy heart
wants only
and always,
what it wants...