One of those days...

It's been one of those days... the ones that make you wonder what in the world made you sign up for this budget package when you could have really used the all-inclusive. Started out with Am insisting that she was too sick to go to school. Given that I had a high priced consultant here from Vancouver today and had promised to drop everything I had planned for the day in order to facilitate the project work we needed to do (including a driving tour of all neighbourhoods and discussion of development options for new housing density)... having a sick child seemed like a bad joke from somebody who wasn't really paying attention to the reality of my crazy life these days. By the time I had figured out how I might work out a plan for sick kid day, our tenant showed up with the news that his fridge had died quietly in the night. Fortunately, this cheered sick child up and by the time said tenant left Am was climbing on him and begging him to paint her room pink today. Ok - so apparently she's well after all. GOING TO SCHOOL. Make lunch and snack. Convince not-so-sick child that school is actually an option by promising that if she gets sicker she can call me. Call consultant to delay meeting time while I take Am to school. Pick up consultant and off to the office to start the day. Phone rings... Uh Oh... it's the school. I consider not picking up, but since several kids have had stomach flu over the past week, I decide being the responsible parent is probably important today.
Yep. It's her and she insists that she's sick and I need to come get her. OK. Thankfully consultant has a sick child at home too so is game to include MY sick child in our day - particularly once he meets her charming highness, who really doesn't seem all that sick at all. Stop for coffee, which I promptly spill on myself, and a smoothie for the child who apparently isn't too sick to enjoy a treat.
Force child to ride around in car on tour with consultant until she really is squeamish, then go back to the office for a meeting. Luckily I have a great office mate who entertained Am off the corner of the desk.
Fridge shopping - no luck. Apparently they now only make two kinds of fridges - crummy cheap ones and really nice ones that cost as much as your car. Humph.
Home to feed child and self and for some brief downtime to check email and phone messages then back out into the fray to try another fridge store and pick up two kids at the school bus. Try to fridge shop with the kids, who are jumping on beds in the furniture store and playing hide and seek. Fun but not conducive to mom choosing a fridge. By the time we leave they are all calling me Mom... hmmm....
Home for snacks, smoothing over struggles in Barbie land, making dinner, walk the dog then a story and snuggle into bed with Am. I'd really just like to fall asleep with her and wake to a fresh pot of coffee and a clean house, but....
instead I'll do the dishes, make lunches, do some work on a project for work. Try to get to bed before 11, but got distracted by reading a blog by a mama who actually has time to do creative projects with her kids. Sigh....


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