Meltdown's #1 and 2

Tough day. Started at 5:30 trying to get some leftover work done from last week/yesterday that should have been done the week before when I realized the document I was reviewing was so poorly prepared I didn't even know where to start. Aaargh! Thought I'd wash the drippings of frustration off in the shower...
Darling daughter still sleeping, and contrary to every other morning of her life (when she bounces into the room to get ME up at 6 am) she claimed to be 'too sleepy to go to school' and refused to come out from under the covers. I begged, pleaded and resorted to meltdown #2 to pry her loose. Hard-hearted child just looked at me like I'd lost my sanity (which was close to the truth) and continued the battle. When I finally collected myself and expained that if she really was too sleepy to go to school and the grade one teacher really was too cruel to cope with, then she definitely was too sleepy to have her friends over after school, she changed her tune. It helped that I threw in that staying home would involve Mom working at home, no TV, no computer and entertaining yourself for the day, it sealed the deal. Up. Dressed. Fed. Brushed and washed. Dog walked. Out the door by 8:00. Success....
until we got to school with no lunch....


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